Get ready for two action-packed days of learning, connecting with peers, and seeing the latest for our profession inside the showcase. See the full agenda below:


JUNE 1, 2022 @ 11:00AM - 4:30PM EDT
All session times are displayed in Eastern Daylight Timezone

  • 11:00am-11:15am : Welcome & Special Presentation

    Tune in early for a special presentation to kickoff the 2022 FSAC Virtual Annual Conference.

    >> JOIN SESSION (doors open 30 minutes before)

  • 11:15am-12:30pm : How to Recruit & Retain During COVID: HR Experts Panel Session

    How to Recruit & Retain During COVID: Human Resources Experts Panel Session

    • Moderated by: Adele Warner, Director of Human Resources, SCI
    • Panelists: Estrella Frias, Director of Talent Acquisiton, MaxPeople; Nathan McKinlay, Owner/Operator of McKinlay Funeral Homes Ltd.; Julie Ruben, Founder and CEO, MaxPeople; Janine Altamirano, HR Team Member, McInnis & Holloway Funeral Homes

    Session Description: Employee recruitment and retention are major challenges that many employers and HR teams struggle with. Employee retention starts with the recruiting process, beginning with the application, screening the applicants, right down to selecting interviewees and pre-boarding. The benefits of employee retention include increased performance and productivity, better employee morale, improved work quality, a higher level of employee satisfaction, an improved employee journey and an increase in ROI. Conversely, the price of having to replace an employee includes recruitment costs, training, lower productivity, and a lower level of customer satisfaction. In this session, the presenters will explain how to improve employee recruiting practices, and increase the retention of employees.

    >> JOIN SESSION (doors open 10 minutes before)

  • 12:30pm-1:00pm : Supplier Showcases OPEN!

    Don't miss your chance to connect with suppliers, claim show-only promotions + enter to WIN great prizes.

    The following companies will be live in the Breakout Rooms right on Zoom at this time:

    • Arbor Memorial
    • Batesville Canada Ltd.
    • SCI Canada
    • SecuriGene DNA Labs
    • MacKinnon & Bowes Limited
    • Guaranteed Funeral Deposits of Canada 
    • Tribute Technology
    • Victoriaville & Co.
    • Eternity's Touch, Inc.
    • Manchester Supply
    • Foveo Memorial Service Inc.
    • Canada Bereavement Registry 
    • Imperial Group Inc. 
    • Forget Me Not Ceremonies 
    • Funeral 365
    • Cadence
    • Alberta Wilbert Sales
    • FrontRunner Professional
    • Funeraweb
    • PlotBox
    • ETP Canada Inc.
    • Algordanza™ Swiss Made by Remembrance Diamonds

    Get a sneakpeak of what they're offering in the Online Supplier Showcase.

  • 1:00pm-2:00pm : Changes in Attitudes for Information Seekers

    Changes in Attitude: Information Seekers

    • Presenter: Marc Kapanaux, Licensed Funeral Director, Embalmer, and PreNeed Insurance Agent, Batesville

    Session Description: More and more, families are now seeking information from various sources to help determine potential funeral and cemetery planning.  Often, these families are evaluating services and merchandise that benefits their desires.  This presentation is designed to help put together an action plan to better address the changing attitudes of customer segments and give the death care professional the ability to communicate value to those families seeking information.  

    >> JOIN SESSION (doors open 10 minutes before)

  • 2:00pm-2:15pm : 15-Minute Break

    We'll take a short break! Sit back and listen to the music played live during the event or take a few minutes to do what you need to do!

  • 2:15pm-3:30pm : So Much Tech, So Little Time: Advice from the Trenches [Technology Expert Panel Discussion]

    So Much Tech, So Little Time: Advice from the Trenches [Technology Expert Panel Discussion]

    • Moderated by: Ashley Montroy, Chief Marketing Officer, FrontRunner Professional
    • Panelists: Jeff Hagel, Partner & President, McInnis & Holloway Funeral Homes; Josh Denning, Manager of Media Services, Dennings, Ltd.; Simon Dube, Market Director, SCI Canada. 

    Session Description: There's no shortage of technology options out there. Every day, especially through the pandemic, funeral professionals had to learn technology, fast. But, as we come out of the pandemic, they need advice on what worked, what's here to stay, and what not to waste their time on from directors and owners who have done it. This 60-minute panel discussion will talk about how to best use technology inside the arrangement room, zoom tips and tricks with families and staff, technology widgets and tools that have been game-changers for their business, and how the online world and eCommerce has affected how they run their day-to-day operations. Walk away with a list of tools, tips & strategies that any business can implement to best use technology.

    >> JOIN SESSION (doors open 10 minutes before)

  • 3:30pm-4:00pm : Breakout Rooms ... An Attendee Favourite!


    It's the time of day where we open the Breakout Rooms for attendees to spend time discussing all they learned from the sessions that day with the speakers present to answer any questions. Get inspired by others and their key takeaways, and learn new tips in this year's Breakout Rooms. 

    Day 1 Breakout Room options include:

    1. HR Deep Dive
    2. Information Seekers Roundtable
    3. Tech Talk Room, Networking Lounge

    >> JOIN THE BREAKOUT ROOMS (doors open 10 minutes before)

  • 4:00pm-4:30pm : Closing & Preview of Day 2

    In this 30-minute window, we will wrap up Day 1 and take a look at what's to come on Day 2, including a VERY special presentation that is built of off the momentum of the 2021 FSAC Virtual Annual Conference.

JUNE 2, 2022 @ 11:00AM - 5:30PM EDT
All session times are displayed in Eastern Daylight Timezone

  • 11:00am-11:15am : Welcome & Housekeeping

    Tune in early for a special presentation to welcome everyone to DAY 2! 

    >> JOIN SESSION (doors open 30 minutes before)

  • 11:15am-12:30pm : Less Theory, More Action! Real-Life Stories on Compassion & Covid Fatigue

    Less Theory, More Action! RealLlife Stories on Compassion & Covid Fatigue

    • Presenter: Dr. Bill Webster, Grief Counsellor, Author, and International Speaker

    Session Description: This session will cover topics currently facing funeral directors related to mental health & wellness. Dr. Webster will address issues such as compassion fatigue, covid fatigue, and burnout amongst others. This session will help industry members move passed the theory of self-care and into the practical implementation. We will also hear from industry members regarding their experiences.

    >> JOIN SESSION (doors open 10 minutes before)

  • 12:30pm-1:00pm : Supplier Showcases OPEN!

    Don't miss your chance to connect with suppliers, claim show-only promotions + enter to WIN great prizes.

    The following companies will be live in the Breakout Rooms right on Zoom at this time:

    • Arbor Memorial
    • Batesville Canada Ltd.
    • SCI Canada
    • SecuriGene DNA Labs
    • MacKinnon & Bowes Limited
    • Guaranteed Funeral Deposits of Canada 
    • Tribute Technology
    • Victoriaville & Co.
    • Eternity's Touch, Inc.
    • Manchester Supply
    • Foveo Memorial Service Inc.
    • Canada Bereavement Registry 
    • Imperial Group Inc. 
    • Forget Me Not Ceremonies 
    • Funeral 365
    • Cadence
    • Alberta Wilbert Sales
    • FrontRunner Professional
    • Funeraweb
    • PlotBox
    • ETP Canada Inc.
    • Algordanza™ Swiss Made by Remembrance Diamonds

    Get a sneakpeak of what they're offering in the Online Supplier Showcase.

  • 1:00pm-2:30pm : Becoming a Trusted Advisor [Keynote Speaker]

    Becoming a Trusted Advisor [Keynote Speaker]

    • Presenter: Jeff Mowatt, Bestselling Author, Customer Experience Specialist, and Hall of Fame Business Speaker

    Session Description: Treat yourself to this thought provoking session with bestselling author, customer experience specialist, and Hall of Fame business speaker, Jeff Mowatt. A leading authority in his field, Jeff didn’t just read the book – he wrote it! He’s the author of the best-selling books, Becoming a Service Icon in 90 Minutes a Month and Influence with Ease. He heads his own training company and has written and produced 13 multimedia training systems. His Trusted Advisor® column has been syndicated and featured in over 200 business publications. Jeff has exercised influence himself as a 25 year customer service strategist, black belt martial artist, and business owner. Get ready to laugh and learn with Jeff as he shares subtle ways to enhance your impact as a Trusted Advisor. Some people claim that strengthening trust with customers and co-workers is a complex time consuming process. Jeff Mowatt disagrees. That's why he calls his approach, Influence with ease. Jeff reveals easy-to-apply tips, tools and phrases that generate significant results including: enhanced customer experience, increased spending per customer, and recharged team spirit.

    >> JOIN SESSION (doors open 10 minutes before)

  • 2:30pm-2:45pm : 15-Minute Break

    We'll take a short break! Sit back and listen to the music played live during the event or take a few minutes to do what you need to do!

  • 2:45pm-3:45pm : Embalming of the Skin and Long Bone Donation Case

    Embalming of the Skin and Long Bone Donation Case

    • Presenter: Adam Rogalsky, VP of Sales and Marketing and Southwestern Sales Representative, The Dodge Company Canada 

    Session Description: Over the course of this one hour program we will be talking about one of the major growing challenges that is becoming more common in the prep room. Long bone donation associated with tissue procurement. With the rapid advancement of technology and medicine in the medical field, embalmers are challenged with cases that require more attention with regards to preservation and overall appearance of the deceased. Long bone donations are becoming more prevalent in modern medicine. We will discuss techniques and applications that can be used to preserve tissues where vascular injection is not an option. 

    >> JOIN SESSION (doors open 10 minutes before)

  • 3:45pm-4:45pm : MAiD Program: What Funeral Directors Need to Know

    MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) Program: What Funeral Directors Need to Know 

    Presenters: Helen Long, CEO, Dying with Dignity; Julie Campbell, Lead, MAiD Access for Home & Community Care Support Services South West; Lindsay Bacala, Registered Social Worker

    Session Description: This session will cover many topics related to Medical Assistance in Dying including;

    • Acknowledgement of conscientious objection and the varied places people may be in their relationship with MAiD. 
    • Acknowledgement of how clients of funeral services will also have their own views on MAiD so speaking to one another in a way that is supportive and respectful is important.
    • An overview of MAiD legislation in Canada – how we got here, where are we currently and what’s next.
    • Provincial differences in implementation
    • Federal MAiD statistics – numbers, growth, why do people have MAiD etc..
    • A look at MAiD in funeral homes (as well as a highlight of other locations) – what is required from the home? What does a MAiD death “look” like?
    • How the skills of funeral home staff are very valuable in supporting patients and families – the alignment of our patient’s first and end of life goals conversations with the conversations had by funeral home staff.

    >> >> JOIN SESSION (doors open 10 minutes before)

  • 4:45 - 5:15 pm : Breakout Rooms & Closing

    We will wrap up Day 2 and the entire event then move into breakout rooms.

    Breakout Rooms are for attendees to spend time discussing all they learned from the sessions that day with the speakers present to answer any questions. Get inspired by others and their key takeaways, and learn new tips in this year's Breakout Rooms. 

    Day 2 Breakout Room options include:

    Self Care

    Embalming Tips

    MAid Discussion

    Networking Lounge

    >> JOIN THE BREAKOUT ROOMS (doors open 10 minutes before)

  • 5:15-5:30pm : Closing

    In this 15-minute window, we will wrap up Day 2 and the entire event. 


Thank you to FSAC Conference Supporters: Canadian Funeral News, Canadian Funeral Director & The Funeral Chronicle.

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